2021 spring meeting: the Challenge of Change

The 2021 meeting will be a free on-line event held on Thursday and Friday (15th and 16th April) in the same week as the British Society for Animal Science meeting.

Change has always been a strength of the poultry sector, and never has our flexibility been more important as we look towards a future serving a rapidly changing consumer.

Our meeting will include original communications in the fields of behaviour, welfare, nutrition, health, genetics and physiology. The meeting also includes two invited speaker sessions exploring The Meat of Tomorrow. The UK non-ruminant meat sector currently focuses on a commodity product but here we will to discuss the concept of meat as a treat. Our first speaker Peter van Horne from the University of Wageningen will share his experiences of producing higher cost/value meats in the Dutch market place before subsequent speakers share their views on the opportunities and challenges associated with any changes we make.

The meeting will be held online, using Microsoft Teams for sessions with pre-recorded talks followed by live Q and A with the speakers.

The audience will be limited in size to facilitate the discussions between presenters and audience members that have become a hall mark of this annual meeting.

UK branch members will be invited to register for the event shortly, and (after a 2 week exclusive window for branch members to register), the event will be opened further to to non UK branch members until capacity is reached.

Please look out for your email inviting members to register. Coming soon!