Conditions of GD Rosen Academic Career Advancement Award


Awards will be granted to WPSA UK Branch members to broadly support academic development into a new discipline, new level of science or improved understanding of regional variations in poultry science through a visit to another global region for a conference or lab experience; or to partake in a training programme, support for publication charges for a high impact publication, or another activity with a similar, developmental outcome:  ie ‘an academic adventure’.

  1. Applicants must be early career academics – defined in this case up to 5 years after your PhD viva).
  2. The application must be supported by the Supervisor/Head of Department/Director or equivalent, who should also provide guidance when appropriate.
  3. The activity must be completed within 12 months of the award being made.
  4. Successful applicants will be expected to produce a short (up to 400 words) report for the benefactor of the award that may also be used in part for WPSA UK branch communications.
  5. Applications will be considered on their merit. The decision of the Council of the UK Branch of the WPSA is final. The Branch reserves the right to make awards in full or in part, to withhold awards in exceptional circumstances, and holds no responsibility for any claims which may arise as a result of these awards.
  6. Any activity undertaken must comply with all existing legislation and any necessary licences must be obtained.
  7. Applications, must be submitted on the appropriate form to the branch secretary and received by 28th February. Applications will be considered by Branch Council and the outcome announced at the annual spring science meeting.
  8. Funding for the award will be considered on an annual basis by the benefactor, Mrs Vanda Rosen, and a decision made over continuation to the following year before the spring meeting.