Conditions of Research Award

If you have any queries regarding the terms below, please get in touch here.

  1. Awards will be granted to selected students, academics and workers in the poultry sector for research into an aspect in poultry science, or a poultry-related subject.
  2. Applicants can be of any age and awards can be granted to the employees of commercial enterprises but only WPSA members may apply.
  3. The application must be supported by the Supervisor/Head of Department/Director or equivalent, who should also provide project guidance when appropriate.
  4. Applicants may be in receipt of other concurrent awards but any applied for or already agreed must be declared with the initial application for a Research Award.
  5. Projects (including reports) must be completed within 12months of the award being made.
  6. Successful applicants will be expected to produce a short report in a standard format on completion of their period ofstudy/research. (Full details of the required format will be provided to successful applicants.) The report will be available in the public domain either via the Branch web site or through presentation at the Branch Annual Meeting held in the spring. Selection for the Annual Meeting will be at the discretion of the Programme Committee.
  7. Applications will be considered on their merit. The decision of the Council of the UK Branch of the WPSA is final. The Branch reserves the right to make awards in full or inpart, to withhold awards in exceptional circumstances, and holds no responsibility for any claims which may arise as a result of these awards.
  8. Any research or other work undertaken must comply with all existing legislation and any necessary licences must be obtained.
  9. Applications, which must be made on the appropriate form –photocopies are permitted –must be received by the end of September and will be considered at the autumn meeting of the Branch Council.