
There are currently a number of funding opportunities available from the UK Branch. Details of each scheme are provided below.

Other funding opportunities are available to WPSA members from the WPSA global website.

WPSA Summer Vacation Scholarship

This award is made to undergraduate students who use part of their summer vacation for additional studies or a research project into an aspect of poultry science or poultry related subject.

The award comprises a stipend for the student of £200 per week, for up to 10 weeks, plus up to £500 of specified consumable costs, and, for students who present their work at the Branch annual meeting, the award includes registration and accommodation costs for the meeting.

The purpose of the award it to encourage studies in poultry science in addition to normal undergraduate learning and provides funding to contribute towards cost of accommodation and subsistence during the summer holiday period whilst the additional work is conducted.

The period of study should be between 6 and 10 weeks and whilst NOT a condition of award, the recipient of an award is expected to present their work at the annual Spring Meeting.

Please click here further details about the summer award scholarships and how to apply. Vacation Award Proposals must be received by the Branch Secretary two weeks prior to the Branch Spring Meeting (see the ‘meetings’ page to check dates, in the above tabs) and will be considered at the spring Branch Council meeting.

WPSA UK Research Award

This award of £10,000 is to support a piece of research of broad benefit to the UK poultry sector. The intention of the award is to catalyse small research projects – not to generate commercial gain for individual organisations. Projects involving matched funding will be considered on an equal basis, but a condition of funding is the publication of findings within 12 months of project completion, ideally via the Branch’s Spring Meeting.

Proposals covering any aspect of poultry science are welcomed, including laboratory analysis of samples, collection of field data, expansion of an existing poultry trial or compilation and analysis of existing field data.

Further information about the research award scholarship is available here.

To make an application, please download and complete all sections of the the Word file (available here). When you have completed the Word document, use this form to attach a copy.

Research Award Proposals must be received by the Branch Secretary before the end of September and will be considered at the autumn Branch Council meeting.

WPSA UK Spring Meeting Travel Grant

A key priority for WPSA is to improve opportunities for students in poultry science.  As a result, the UK branch offers sponsorship for students and retired members to attend the annual Spring Meeting, in order for students to gain insight into poultry research and to meet established poultry scientists. We would additionally like the branch to continue to benefitting from contributions and insights from our retired members.  There are around ten grants available each year which cover the following:

  • Full student / retired member registration
  • Contribution to air fare, accommodation or other travel expense or conference dinner up to £500

Applications are assessed and awarded at discretion of Council: each application will be reviewed on a case per case basis: a decision to fund an individual one year does not guarantee funding in subsequent years.

While student applications will be prioritised, one-off applications from retired members are most welcome, noting details in sections below marked with an asterisk are not required.

Students (UK based or otherwise) studying poultry, animal and allied sciences are invited to apply but the following will be considered as supportive of your application:

  • Submission of an abstract
  • Being a taught course student registered at a UK university or institute
  • Not having attended this meeting before

Repeated applications from retired members will be considered where the applicant has:

  • Recently published (<3 years) in a peer reviewed scientific journal on a poultry related topic or;
  • Are a named author of a paper/abstract to be presented at the meeting or;
  • Offer to mentor a student/recent graduate in matched area of interest.

To apply for a Spring Meeting Travel grant, please complete the online form available here.