Conditions of Award
Each year, the Branch offers funding for students in the form of Summer Vacation Scholarships. Applications are welcomed from early in the year, and close two weeks before the spring council meeting (held at the Branch spring conference meeting – please check the ‘meetings’ page for the latest date for the spring meeting or email the Secretary at This means the deadline is somewhere between end of Feb-March each year. Please note the Conditions set out below, and follow the Application procedure.
- Scholarships will be awarded to selected bona fide students for the furtherance of a period of study or research into an aspect of poultry science, or a poultry-related subject. BSc, (taught) MSc or other “qualifying” degrees will be considered. Only students who are undertaking, but have not yet completed a U.K.-based recognised first degree or taught MSc course may apply.
- This period of study is normally expected to take place during the summer vacation in the year of application, and to be of six to ten weeks’ duration.
- The application must be supported by the Supervisor, Head of Department, Director or equivalent, who should also provide guidance and supervision during the project.
- Preference will be given to applicants who are — or whose supervisors are — members of the WPSA.
- Applicants may be in receipt of other concurrent awards, but any applied for or agreed to must be declared in the initial application.
- Scholarships will not normally be awarded to the employees of commercial enterprises. This is at the discretion of the Branch Council who will consider such applications on merit (see para.8)
- Successful applicants will be expected to produce a short report in a standard format (i.e., Introduction, Materials & Methods, Results, Discussion/Conclusion, and References) on completion of their period of study/research. The report must be completed and submitted by 1st October in the year the Award is made, and ideally, findings should be presented at the following WPSA UK Branch Annual Conference.
- Applications will be considered on their merits, irrespective of the level of degree course being undertaken by the applicant. The decision of the Council of the UK Branch of the WPSA is final. The Branch reserves the right to make awards in full or in part, to withhold awards in exceptional circumstances, and it holds no responsibility for any claims that may arise as a result of these awards.
- Any research or other work undertaken must comply with all existing legislation, and any necessary licences must be obtained.
- Applications must be made using the online system below. Closing date is two weeks prior to the Branch Spring Meeting.
If you wish to apply for the scholarship, please complete the form below and a member of our team will contact you. Please note you must obtain permission from your supervisor before providing their details and feedback.