The World’s Poultry Science Journal
In 1928, in order to improve the ways in which it achieved one of its primary objectives – the dissemination of knowledge – the World’s Poultry Science Association began publishing its own journal. Initially, the journal was known as the International Review of Poultry Science, and it was published biannually in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, and it continued that way for 13 volumes up to 1940. In 1945, following the end of World War II, the journal was re-started under a new name, the World’s Poultry Science Journal, and was published on a quarterly basis. The publication frequency of four issues each year continued from 1945 until the end of 1980. For the following 16 years the journal was published three times each year, returning to a quarterly frequency with volume 53 in 1997.
At present, the journal’s publication is overseen by an Editor, an Assistant Editor, six Associate Editors, and 20 members of an International Editorial Board. The World’s Poultry Science Journal publishes review articles on virtually all aspects of poultry production and poultry science. Some of the review articles are commissioned by the editor, but the majority consist of papers from WPSA sponsored Congresses or Symposia, or are submitted unsolicited from WPSA members. The WPSJ is published in both a printed and an on-line form by Cambridge University Press.
The online publishing agreement for this Journal, originally made with CABI Publishing, has now been assigned to Cambridge University Press.