This award of £10,000 is to support a piece of research of broad benefit to the UK poultry sector. The intention of the award is to catalyse small research projects – not to generate commercial gain for individual organisations. Projects involving matched funding will be considered on an equal basis, but a condition of funding is the publication of findings within 12 months of project completion, ideally via the Branch’s Spring Meeting.
Proposals covering any aspect of poultry science are welcomed, including laboratory analysis of samples, collection of field data, expansion of an existing poultry trial or compilation and analysis of existing field data.
Further information about the research award scholarship is available here.
To make an application, please download and complete all sections of the Word file (available here). When you have completed the Word document, use this form to attach a copy. (Please note that the attachment option will not appear until you have completed and submitted your contact information.)
Please note that Research Award Proposals must be received by the Branch Secretary before the end of September and will be considered at the autumn Branch Council meeting.